
Presentation / pitch of final package with evaluation and feedback

My textual analysis was very helpful for my final short film because my film uses a lot of the camera shots and by looking at my textual analysis I was able to incorporate the same shots into my own short film. For example close in my analysis in my research helped because I was able to capture the emotion of the actors in the film, this was important because the audience would need to know how the characters are feeling.  Also a an establishing shot was used to show the beginning of the scene and the location (mise en scene).By using my textual analysis my group were able to decide what kind of film we wanted to do.

During pre-production I was in charge of sound this included sound effects and soundtracks. I also edited the movie sand made the music fade into the background so it doesn’t sound unprofessional. The storyboard was extremely helpful because we was able to identify how long each scene was meant to be, secondly it was used as a guideline so we knew what each scene was about. The call sheet was extremely helpful because we knew the scene, location and number actors this helped to be pre-prepared for every scene; furthermore we knew what props were required e.g. chocolate bar, basketball etc. The treatment gave me an overview of the short film and the treatment is important because it outlines the story and gives us a recap of the story is about also it tells us what props we need to use in the short film. Furthermore, it gives an idea of what to expect in the film also it gave the group a chance to make any final changes to our short film.

The successful thing about the production was the film itself the acting was at professional standard and the camerawork was good as well. We used a range of tripods and hand held to make the movie more interesting. The editing was simple however it was very effective and this enabled our short film to be as successful as it is now. 

The strengths were that we used good camera angles and shots also there was a journey from a-b, also we had good music choices. The weaknesses are we didn’t use all the camera angles required e.g. (shot reverse shot) and we used too many hand held shots. The floor was slippery so this made it very hard to use the tripods, also it was hard to cut out all the people on the court that weren’t meant to be so our short film so that was difficult.

Audience feedback was good lots people said that the location and acting skills were very good, furthermore there was good use of the camera angles and camera shots. They also said that the editing and effects for example the bounce back intro was really with the use of the writing font and special fireball effects. Are weaknesses were that we used too many hand held camera shots and we didn’t use different visual points or aspects in the film as 

The improvements we could have made would have been to use different camera angles and shots, also use the tripods more instead of loads of hand held shots. We could have used more special effects to make our short film way more interesting. We could have used shot reverse shots as well. 


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  2. Reece yo have completed the induction tasks but at times some are minimal in completion. You have to ensure you explain all the processes and tasks in detail. Written work is to a good standard but again ensure that you address all the points using subject terminology and language.


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