2 exams in January
Each exams 1 hr long
50 marks each paper
Unit 1 digital media audiences
Unit 8 media industry in context create a label for each unit you work on
Explain what a freelance, permanent and volunteering job in the media industry is?
Choose any area of the media industry, gaming, film etc.
Find 2 actual jobs of interest what are they looking for from applicant.
WWW.Mandy.com, BBC

Self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments, examples: magazine or website will have a core team of editors who hire freelance writers to write articles, or a TV production crew might hire freelance cameramen to work on one series of programmes.

By becoming a freelancer you don’t have a boss telling you what to do because you are self-employed because you work for yourself, furthermore you choose what jobs you want to do and you can say no to jobs you want to do because you are your own boss. You can work from home if you wish to and you get flexible working hours to suit your needs. You can get better pay. Freelancers can negotiate their own rates with the companies who hire you. Companies are often prepared to pay freelancers a better rate than their own staff because they don’t have to pay for things like sick leave as part of the contract. The more experience you have then the more money you can ask for.


It is hard to find work due to the fact there are loads of freelancers already in the industry. Also you have to able to manage your money because you don’t get things like holiday pay or sick pay.


Permanent employees, regular employees or the directly employed work for an employer and are paid directly by that employer. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan. Examples of permanent jobs in the media industry are:

Graphic Designer
Research Manger

You get holiday, vacation and sick pay. Also you get retirement benefits for when you retirement. You could possibly get job advancement increased pay or even a promotion.


Lack of job security
Limited ability to evolve
Limited earning potential
Lack of flexibility.


Are people who work to help others and don’t get paid to work because it’s voluntary.
Examples of voluntary work:
Community service
Youth work

Jobs in the Media industry: Film

Shoot Producer make sure everything on set is ready and the cast ready to shoot the scene and you make sure all the pre-production is ready as well.


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