task 2a unit 10 1c/d

My idea is on sports and fitness , it is  base teenagers because i am a teenager and I see a lot of young teens going to the gym, jogging and playing all kinds of sports. I will use the college football cage because i don't have too book it or anything like that furthermore my pictures will be my friends and myself playing football and working out whilst having a good time and I believe this will inspire people to buy my product and gain an interest in fitness. 
My target audience is young people aged 13-19 because at this age a lot of teenagers will be in the gym training and working out whilst playing sport and this age group will play sports the most. The camera will use is a Nikon DSLR camera, because there are many features on this camera, I will need to book the camera with the media technicians.  The test shots will be taken in the football cage.


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